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Thames Lubricants Ltd was formed in 1939 by a share holding of local transport, haulage, plant contractors together with local independent bus and coach operators.

The sole purpose of the formation was to provide the shareholders with the very finest quality and highest performance lubricants possible at very competitive prices.

After many years of  successful trading these quality principles remain at the heart of this companies activities.


I N D I V I D U A L      S E R V I C E

Short and effective lines of communication enabling  the customer to know exactly who he is talking to and receive immediate answers to his questions.


F L E X I B I L I T Y       

Perhaps one of our greatest strengths.  The ability to quickly respond to a customer with urgent needs.

Even in the most controlled and efficient companies problems do occur and immediate response from the supplier is essential.  Most of our customers have become close trading friends over the years because of the relationship built on care and effort.



One of the major differences between our company and our big name competitors.  Most things in life have a price but unlike others we will not compromise our standard of product quality to meet a price.

You will probably find our prices to be amongst the most competitive you have ever seen but you will certainly find our lubricants quality to be at the forefront of todays tribological technology.



We are lubricant manufacturers.  We manufacture and supply lubricants products to end users of all industries from agriculture through transport to fine textiles and heavy engineering. 

Our product range covers the straightforward “oil can” to  the most sophisticated synthetics modern technology can produce.


P R O B L E M  S O L V E R S

It may not be today or tomorrow but if your are involved in any way with machinery the chances are you will one day come up against a seemingly insurmountable problem. 

To solve the problem and provide the lubrication answer will be a test of engineering and lubrication expertise.  This science is recognised as TRIBOLOGY.   We are waiting to answer your call !


C U S T O M I S E D  B L E N D I N G

Even examples of the most efficiently manufactured and precise uses of modern engineering skills can be negated or ruined by operation in hostile environments. 

A hostile environment can be used to describe anything from a hot furnace area to a dusty or salt water saturated surrounding.    At times like these you need specialist custom built lubrication specifically designed to cope with your particular problem.  Possibly a slight alteration of a formula that nearly works to a completely new product built just for you.  Never losing sight of the fact that you have to be able to afford the price or the savings that can be made far outweigh the downtime.


P R O D U C T   K N O W L E D G E

Only the experience of many years of lubricant manufacturing can give you technical peace of mind and confidence in the lubricant.  Beware of distributors, merchants and salesmen who think oil is just a spare part, commodity or another item on their list of products.

Thames Lubricants Factory
Thames Lubricans Delivery Vehicle
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